Stir The Pot

Stir the Pot is a collaborative photography and mixed-media publication sourced from a community-driven open call. Through a serendipitous unity of differing perspectives on the theme, Stir the Pot assembles visual responses to a broad mix of feelings experienced during a period of unrest and societal turmoils. The project constitutes a celebration of established and emerging artists, working with images and other creative disciplines, and is a culmination of solace-seeking, political fervour, and paths taken towards nourishment and healing.

Stir the Pot brings together the works of 99 photographers and artists from across the world, who are at different stages of development and points in their careers. A careful selection process has been undertaken to expose a wide range of perspectives that reflect a current slice of our experiences here on Earth. It’s a conversational gathering; an uncertain union of a group of voices based in 25 countries, connected together by this printed piece. Contributors’ subjects move from the creative process itself, to cooking and family, to social action and collective responsibility – whatever has given them respite during agitating times is covered in these pages.


Eye Mama Book